09/24/14: Meeting with President Rouhani in New York City

  American Muslim Leaders, Scholars and Activists met with President Rouhani in New York city, discussing the State of the Ummah, Condemning ISIS and Extremism! Photo Highlights: HERE
Wednesday, September 24, 2014: More than 70 American Muslim imams, scholars, professors, attorneys, judges, community leaders and activists met president Rouhani of Iran and discussed the current issues of the Muslim communities both in the US and Middle East.

The Michigan Muslim delegation included, Dr. Yahya Basha, Dr. Muzzamel Ahmad,  Professor  Saeed Khan, Dawoud Walid of CAIR, Judge Charlene and Mr. Azzam Elder, ADC director Attorney- Fatina Abdrabboh and Mr. Ribhi Hazin and Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi.

In this meeting President Hassan Rouhani urged Islamic scholars as well as community  leaders to endeavor for the unity among Muslims and spread the compassionate messages of the religion of Islam.

Muslims have always been the flag bearers of compassion and illumination. We should not permit others to falsely carry the flag the president said.

"Fortunately, everybody will little by little understand that ISIS and other terrorist groups have false claims to be Muslims. Those who were deceived and joined the terrorist groups are gradually waking up."

President Rouhani cautioned that there is a long way to go through the plots and called for prudence so that no new machinations will be hatched on the way of Islam and the Islamic civilization.

The president of Iran also said that the Islamic Republic has no intentions to interfere with the fate of any country. "The Islamic Republic of Iran does not plan to interfere in Iraq and Syria either, but will help them based on their demands."

"If any country asks us for combating terrorism, we will help them against violence and terrorism within our might," he said stressing that Iran was the first country to help the people of Iraq against Daesh terrorists.

Following the president's remarks, the floor got opened for conversation, questions and answers.

The situation in Iraq, Syria, Gaza and the best ways to end the Middle East terrorist tragedy and bring peace and progress while ending bloodshed and brutality were just a few of the raised concerns.

Following the president's statement, imam Elahi the founding imam of Islamic House of Wisdom shared with the audience the history of his friendship with president Rouhani in the last 37 years and admired Dr. Rouhani for his dedication and determination in working for peace and unity.

Imam stated that the UN important international annual assembly is an opportunity for the world politicians to listen to a moral message from a moral man like Rouhani whose power is not based on money and military but principles of peace, prudence and hope.

He also thanked the hard working team of the President, especially Dr. Zarif, the Iranian foreign minister who was sitting next to the president, for his patience and wisdom in dealing with the nuclear negotiations to reduce the unnecessary tensions between Iran and the US .

Imam Elahi also briefed Dr. Rouhani on American Muslim community's rejection of isis and other terrorist organizations and condemned the murderous takfiris for fueling the fire of islamophobia.
Imam mentioned that he listened to president Obama's speech in the UN the same day. He appreciated what the US president said about Islam and the Muslim community and considered president Obama's condemnation of terrorism a testimony of the true position of president Rouhani on this issue. He hoped that the politicians perform what they promise.

At the end imam Elahi on behalf of the Michigan delegation invited Dr. Rouhani to visit the Muslim community in Michigan after the UN session in 2015 if possible. He also asked the president to do his best to improve the situation of visas for American Muslims who desire to visit Iran or visit the shrines and spiritual sites in the Islamic Republic.

He also passed a letter from the family of Amir Hekmati who live in Flint, asking the president for some communication with the Iranian Judiciary system to help release their son based on humanitarian reasons, since Amir's father suffers from cancer and looking forward to see his son.
Dr. Yahya Basha was another community leader who thanked president Rouhani for giving an opportunity to American Muslims to meet with him. Dr. Basha stated that Iran is a great country and can be of great help to the Syrians to rid their current diseases and problems!
Dr. Saeed and attorney Fatina Abdrabboh also got a chance to share few remarks. It was a wonderful night of bridge building, sharing information, friendship, love and respect!

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