11/14/16: Michigan Civil Rights & Interfaith Voices of Truth and Justice! Speaking out Against Racism, Hatred, Harassment and Islamophobia!
Michigan Civil Rights & Interfaith Voices of Truth and Justice! Speaking out Against Racism, Hatred, Harassment and Islamophobia!
November 14, 2016: A Press Conference was Hosted by the Central United Methodist Church of Detroit, Pastor Jill, Pastor Rowe!
Imam Elahi was invited to say some words and also make a prayer! Video Link to Imam Elahi's Message: HERE
He started by saying, all of us want to see America great! But - greatness comes through diversity and unity, respect and responsibility, rule of law and religious liberty.America can't be great by hate, fear mongering, intolerance intimidation and insult. the path of glory is the path of understanding not extremism, education not ignorance.
During the prayer Imam Elahi asked the Lord to humble the heart of president elect Donald Trump so he would say sorry to any one who might have been insulted by his expressions and actions during this election! He asked God to guide our leaders to the path of peace and justice, the path of Abraham, Muses, Jesus and Mohammad (pbut).
Some of the Media Coverage of the Press Conference- Read HERE, HERE & HERE!!