1/19/17: Religious Diversity Journey of High School Students Met at the IHW
1-19-17: A Religious Diversity Journey of High School Students gathered at the Islamic House of Wisdom to meet with Muslim peers and to learn about the Islamic Faith.
Thank you to the Religious Diversity Organization, Wise Academy's staff and students, in addition to the staff of IHW for organizing such a beautiful orientation about Islam.
200 Students from various faith backgrounds had an opportunity to explore the mosque, engage in peer-to-peer conversation, were presented with various elements of the Islamic Faith from both Teachers and Students of Wise Academy and Imam Elahi.
The group was welcomed by Imam Elahi, Br. Hussain Charara and Meredith Skowronski of the Religious Diversity Organization.
Following the meet-up, everyone went in to the prayer room where they were briefed on the Islamic Prayer and students of Wise Academy performed a prayer with translation for all to follow. The students then divided into three groups to engage in a discussion and presentation that touched on the basics of Islam to some of the rituals and daily actions of Muslims.
After the groups alternated throughout the three meeting areas, they then split into two groups that switched between sharing lunch together and community service project.
At the end of the day, all of the students came together for reflection and Q&A. The students and adults were separated into groups, where both age groups could ask questions related to their level of interest. Imam Elahi, Sheikh Hassan Habhab, Br. Ahmad Hamdan, Br. Hussain Charara, Hajji Sabah Berry and staff of Wise Academy facilitated the dialogue and engaged in answering questions.
The students completed the day with reflections and highlighted how their perception and understanding changed from the mosque visit and student interaction.
The students were pleased with their visit, just as we were honored to host them.
We are planning for another gathering in the future, if you would like to become involved, please email us at info@islamichouseofwisdom.com.