12/22/17: Justice for Jerusalem! Details of Imam Words, Addressed in Civic Center in Dearborn!
Justice for Jerusalem!
Details of Imam Elahi Words, Addressed in Civic Center in Dearborn!
Jerusalem has been known as the spiritual capital of three Abrahamic faiths for thousands of years.
President Trump's decision to turn Jerusalem to the capital of Israel, is a damaging and dangerous decision not only for Muslims, but also for Christians who live in Palestine and see Jerusalem as Jesus city.
For the Palestinians wither Muslims or Christians, its unimaginable to think of Palestine without Jerusalem!
But president Trump and vice president, Mike Pence's direction is also dangerous for Jews.
To be fair, this administration is not responsible for this for this 70 year old mess in the Middle East.
But its responsible for not showing some courage, commitment and leadership and for not being part of a just and peaceful solution, this administration continues to be part of the problem, just for political purposes.
The solution is not by denying or ignoring the problem, or by keep changing the subject. If 14 out of 15 members of Security Council say we have a problem and Netanyahu is the only one who thanks Trump, then obviously we have problem.
The solution is not blaming the victims, or considering the Israeli occupation as someone else fault.
Counting on corrupt kingdoms and founders of al-Qaeda and Isis is not the solution.
The Saudis and Israeli can be
the best allies, but no honorable people of Jewish, Christian or Muslim nations would ever respect that union. That is the union of the thieves, either stealing the Palestinian property and building illegal settlements or the house of Saud of stealing the oil and money of their people to buy hundreds of palaces. Ben Salman paid $300 million for one house in in France, $450 million for one painting! and $550 million for one boat and he calls himself a reformer! How nice!
The world is vomiting to watch all those wasteful expenses, while 20 millions of Yemenis are starving to death while still under the daily bombardments and war crimes of house of Saud.
No one can blame the Palestinians for this long conflict!
Late Yasser Arafat went to Camp David and Oslo, he did every compromise yet he was punished under house arrest and finally suspicious death.
Mahmud Abbes is approaching the same end.
As Abraham Lincoln said, you can't fool all of the people all of the time, Sooner or later the truth will be known by all the people.
I am worried not only for Muslims and Christians in Jerusalem but also my Jewish brothers and sisters in humanity. For how many more years or decades they should be protected in that military base called Israel?
In the last 70 years, the US has spent trillions of dollars to protect Israel; it's not about just $ 4 billion a years, all the money in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, Yemen and Libya wars, partly to protect Israel. What if one day America stops doing that, what would happen to the Jewish people? 5 million Palestinian are already homeless and feel the pain of homelessness, let's have no homeless from any race or religion any more.
Let's win the minds and minds of the people in the Middle East and everywhere, wining those luxurious palaces in Riyadh and tall towers in Tel Aviv is not the solution.
Let's be friends with those poor people who defended the churches, and saved Christian communities not those who supported the Isis, whether with their money or their air force.
Jerusalem was occupied one time in 1948 and second time in 1967 and third time now in 2017, this is no one else fault, except Israel.
Let's be honest, identify the real sources of threat and the real enemies of peace in the Middle East.
We pray for peace, for a day when all Abraham children live in Jerusalem with freedom, democracy, dignity peace and justice. Ameen.