1/19/18: Martin Luther King Service under " Embracing Beloved Community" Was a Success!


Martin Luther King Service under "Embracing Beloved Community" Was a Success!

MLK was a great man of character, conscience and courage!

Dearborn area Interfaith Network honored the memory of MLK at Christ Episcopal Church.

Br. Dawud Walid as the keynote speaker, made an inspiring, energizing and awakening speech. 


Rev. Terri, Rev. Colleen, Rev. Fran. Rev. John, Rabbi Ariana, Rev. Regina, Brian Stone and music groups did great job. 

Thanking them all and the planning committee, Imam Elahi would like to share the text of the Quranic verses he shared with the audience!

"MLK was a great man of character, conscience and many qualifications. But the title of God's servant may represent him the best.

Let's look at Chapter Al-Forqan, "The Criterion" which is number 25 in the Quran.

Starting from verse 63, the Quran shares with us 15 signs of the servants of the Compassionate Creator who are recognized as passengers of Paradise!

The servants of the Compassionate Lord are those who: 

1-Walk humbly (now by car or motor cycle, don't drive over speed limit )

2-When they addressed by the ignorant, their answer is :SALAAM-PEACE. So they don't argue with the ignorant! 

3-For them, the darkness of night is an opportunity for more prayer and prostration.

4-They ask the Lord to protect them from the hell fire and punishment.

5-They are able to avoid extremism, keep their balance behavior even in charity spending.

6-God is their only call, (the single central source of all blessings)

7-They never participate on slaying an innocent life.

8-As they never practice sexual sin and fornication

Since destruction of someone's life or integrity is an act of disgrace and deserves eternal punishment in hell valley.

9-Expect for those who sincerely repent, return to the faith and start a life of righteousness to receive the Lord mercy and forgiveness!

10-They don't testify to a lie! Another word, they don't witness what is false.

11-When they face something foolish and impious; they pass it by a noble spirit.

12-When they are reminded of their Lord's remarkable signs and characteristics; they demonstrate understanding, and not spiritual deafness and blindness.

13-In their prayers they ask their Lord, to help their family and their coming generations to join them in worshiping the Lord in this world and the pleasure of Paradise in hereafter.

14-They pray to be the role model for the righteous!

15-They will be rewarded with some reserved residences in His kingdom, their patience in this world will provide them peace and greeting in the garden of eternity, how beautiful, restful and stable eternal station.

Briefly, all people have an opportunity to be servants of the Compassionate Lord, the passwords and the conditions to get that title includes qualities such as humbleness, peace, prayer, piety, truthfulness, wisdom, spiritual awareness rewarded with a place in the residence of the righteous in Paradise! 

IHW Office