03/17/14: Group of Interfaith Leaders Met at the IHW

  Monday, March 17, 2014- Rev. Kasbow, Dr. Micheal Ross, Rabbi Dorit and a group of interfaith leaders and activists met at Islamic House of Wisdom.

Imam Elahi opened the meeting with prayer and encouragement for continued interfaith communication. "If education is the biggest part of every solution in life, then these type of gatherings provide so much light and bridge building of understanding among all cultures, traditions and communities", Imam said.

The discussion included the film of the Native American Life in Michigan and Summer Peace Camp.Rev. David Kasbow encouraged the leaders and community members to register now for the upcoming interfaith conference on Family Values.

Dr. Ross emphasized on the Covenant of Marriage and civilization of Love as the spirit of this conference. The Family & Marriage Conference will take place, Monday, April 7, 2014. For more information: visit the link here- http://dofh.org/restoring-marriage-family-in-2014/

IHW Admin
03/11/14: Interfaith Planning Committee Met at the IHW

Tuesday, March 11th- Members of Interfaith met at the Islamic House of Wisdom for further planning of the upcoming Marriage Conference that will be held in April. To be a part of the planning committee- reply to this message for more information!

IHW Admin
02/08/14: Reflecting on the Anniversary of Victory of Islamic Revolution at Islamic House of Wisdom

Feb. 8, 2014

Reflecting on the Anniversary of Victory of Islamic Revolution at Islamic House of Wisdom

Islamic House of Wisdom hosted a discussion on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of victory of Islamic Revolution in Iran last Saturday.

A known public speaker, Imam Mohammad Asi from Washington DC and Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi the founding imam of IHW were the main speakers of Saturday night gathering. 

Imam Elahi went through some of his personal observations of February 11, 1979 (the day of victory) and called it a divine day.

Imam Elahi reflected on three elements of victory of the Islamic Revolution to include: Islamic spiritual identity, dynamic leadership and overwhelming engagement and unity of the people.

Focusing on the life, leadership and legacy of Imam Khomeini, he emphasized on faith, fearlessness, devotion and determination of Imam Khomeini who was ready to pay any price to do his duty.

Imam Elahi stated that the power of Imam Khomeini was not just for his political vision and wisdom but his faith and moral might. Imam was an exceptional religious authority who combined  religion and reason, morality and modernization, purification and civilization.

The same leader who led the greatest revolution in the history of Islam is the same man who never missed his nightly Tahajjod, his Dua Kumayl, and his daily Quranic recitation. He is the man who wrote hundreds of books and articles on many aspects of life, jurisprudence, philosophy and society.

Imam Elahi concluded his presentation with a look at the achievements of the Islamic revolution! Ending 2500 years of monarchy, establishment of the first republic based on the free election of the people, the first Islamic Constitution, providing opportunity for education and progress and the fact that currently more than 4 million students study in the Iranian universities, majority whom are female.

Imam Elahi asked the Muslim community to help remove the present tensions between Iran and US and bring better relationships between these two great nations in order to pave the way for building bridges of understanding, peace and cooperation in the Middle East and the world.

Imam Mohammad Asi, the original imam of Islamic Center of Washington DC who has been leading a Friday prayer there for the last 35 years was the second speaker of the evening.

Imam Asi thanked Imam Elahi and the Islamic House of Wisdom for the opportunity to be with everyone and thanked those who answered the call for the unity of the Muslim community and attended the celebration.

Imam Mohammad al-'Asi made the following points regarding the 35th anniversary of the triumph of the Islamic Revolution and Leadership in Iran:

"1- Imam Khomeini (ra) was a genuine and "home-made" Islamic leader who came from the depth of Islamic history, struggle, and scholarship.

2- The Islamic Revolution's triumph was not cheap -- it cost hundreds of thousands of martyrs and hundreds of thousands of war-disabled. It came in a century when Islamic triumphs were non-existent.

3- In the past 35 years the Islamic executive in Iran extended overtures towards the West during the administrations of Presidents Rafsanjani and Khatami -- only to be rebuffed and called a member of the 'axis of evil'.

4- The Islamic Revolution and Republic maintained a consistent foreign policy with its Islamic objective: i.e, end of Israeli occupation in Palestine.

5- The Islamic Leadership with its devout constituencies built an industrial and military infrastructure in a way that is totally independent of foreign interference.

6- The Islamic Revolutionary impulse of the past 35 years managed to avoid the pitfall of sectarianism.

Imam Elahi thanked the IHW ladies and volunteers for making a large cake on the occasion of the February 11th anniversary of victory of Islamic Revolution in Iran.

IHW Admin
02/05/14: Wayne County Executive, Robert Ficano Visits IHW

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at the Islamic House of Wisdom: Michigan Wayne County Executive, Robert Ficano was welcomed to the board meeting of IHW by chairman hajj Dave Abdallah.

Mr. Ficano addressed the current developments in the city and progression made within the county. Executive Ficano answered the questions of the IHW directors and clarified issues related to Detroit's water and also jail system.

At the end of this friendly meeting, Imam Elahi appreciated Mr. Ficano's services to the County and his energetic engagement with the community.

IHW Admin
01/31/14: State Representative David Knezek Visits IHW

State Representative David Knezek Visits IHW

State Representative David Knezek, community activist Zainab Hussein and some members of IHW's congregation met with imam Elahi after last Friday's prayer to discuss community related interests. 

Of the points in the discussion: The importance of educational opportunities, engagement of the community members in elections, more communication between the civic and religious leaders to identify and act on the needs of the youth and families in the community.  

IHW Admin
01/29/14: Interfaith Members Met to Plan Community Marriage Conference!

Interfaith Members Met to Plan Community Marriage Conference!

In continuity of discussion and planing for a conference on marriage relationships and family values, some leaders of Metro-Detroit's Inter-Intra Faith community met with Imam Elahi to discuss the date, location, speakers and They decided to hold the conference on April 7th at the IHW.

Stay tuned for more details of speakers and the subjects.

IHW Admin

A group of interfaith met in Imam Elahi's house for dinner and discussion about strengthening families and marriage in hope of eliminating crises in families and domestic violence. Imam Elahi briefed the guests about the tragic death of Sanaz Nezami who allegedly was killed by her husband.

He pointed out to the epidemic of family problems, which is threatening every community regardless of their religious or cultural backgrounds.

Rev. David Kasbow and Dr. Michael Ross ran the meeting and suggested a conference on this subject to take place in April. Other members who participated in this brainstorming meeting included- Rosemarie Denton, Gary Nixon, Rabbi Waldman, Janice Daniels, Pastor Geri Simmons, Warren Palmer, Pastor Faith, Emmanuel Kouassi, Yvonne Moore, Denny Lukasik, Jim Thienel and Karen Jackson.

They concluded that for America to overcome the destruction of families and marriage in order to return to the morals of faith, it must remember God and stand against what is wrong, even if it's unpopular.

Continuing to plan the conference, the group will meet again next week with more leaders to lay the foundation of this event. The idea is to reflect on the vision of family, solutions for the current crisis and will address the role of clergy and community leaders towards providing family guidance.

IHW Admin
12/12/13: IHW Honored the Memory of Peace Activist, Jack Seman: 1935-2013

IHW Honored the Memory of Peace Activist, Jack Seman: 1935-2013

Jack Seman, a member of the Chaldean Christian community who used to participate in many interfaith and weekly religious services at the Islamic House of Wisdom passed away last Saturday.

Imam Elahi participated in the late, Jack's funeral and burial services addressing the family and friends of Jack in addition to the Chaldean community. He admired Jack Seman's passion for peace, justice and truth.

Imam praised Jack's generosity, love, courage and sacrifice for the sake of unity and cooperation between the Muslim and Christian communities.

Jack's family joined the interfaith gathering at the IHW last Tuesday and expressed their deepest appreciation for Imam Elahi and other community activists for their support andsolidarity during the funeral service of Jack Seman!

IHW Admin
12/13/13: Interfaith Conference in Chicago

Interfaith Conference in Chicago 

Last Weekend- Universal Peace Federation of North America held a national conference in Chicago's Crown Plaza Hotel, December 13th and 14th.
Nation building, Interfaith, World of Peace, Vision of Youth, importance of Marriage and family values were part of the workshops in this two day discussion.
 Imam Elahi participated and spoke with other interfaith partners on the importance of building bridges of understanding, sincere outreach and cooperation as a moral duty andways to establish peace and justice.  

 Rev. Michael Jenkins and Dr. Thomas Walsh were the final speakers of this educational  conference. Both emphasized the importance of faith, family, hard work, and honesty while rising to responsibility, following the truth and practicing what we preach in order to establish a role model society.  

IHW Admin
12/10/13: Honoring the Memory of Nelson Mandela and local peace activists at Islamic House of Wisdom

Honoring the Memory of Nelson Mandela and local peace activists at Islamic House of Wisdom

December 10, 2013- Last Tuesday, As the world leaders gathered in Johannesburg to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela and his heroic leadership against injustice and apartheid, members of the Dearborn Area Interfaith Network met at the Islamic House of Wisdom for their monthly meeting. In addition to honoring the late Mandela, two local peace activists who recently passed away were remembered:  Rev. Felix A Lorenz  and Jack Samen.  

Rev. David Kasbow opened the meeting with prayer.

Imam Elahi welcomed the mosque and church leaders while highlighting Rev. Felix and Jack Samen as ambassadors of peace and justice. Imam admiredFelix and Jack who passed away in the same week asMandela's departure, noting their passion for peace, outreach and unity. Imam welcomed the presence of Jack's family in the meeting.

  In the gathering, Dr. Tallal Turfe spoke about the "Morality in America" and presented a copy of his recent book, "Children of Abraham" to the religious leaders.  

Click here to read the text of Dr. Tallal's speech! 

 Rev. Fran Hayes, of Littlefield Presbyterian Church opened the floor to discuss the details of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Anniversary to be held in her church on January 19th at 3pm.

The mosque and church leaders shared their words and passion for such an important community celebration.

Imam Elahi closed the meeting with prayer for unity, building bridges of understanding, community awareness and working together for education, peace and justice.

Islamic House of Wisdom urges the interfaith community to help and participate in the upcoming MLK Anniversary! To stay updated on events related to the Dearborn Area Faith Network, Click HERE  

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11/27/13: 3rd Anniversary Celebration- Thanksgiving Program& Prayer Held in Hamtramck

3rd Anniversary Celebration- Thanksgiving Program& Prayer Held in Hamtramck 

Last night, November 27, 2013- Members of Metro Detroit's Interfaith and Intrafaith Communities gathered for reflection, prayer and dinner together on the evening of America's Thanksgiving holiday.

 Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi of the Islamic House of Wisdom, Dr. 
Tallal Turfe- the author of Children of Abraham,  Dr. Nakadar- the C.E.O. of Muslim Observer and Community activist, Sayed Khalil Hachem shared the Islamic perspective of Thanksgiving.

 Interfaith Message of Dr. Tallal Alie Turfe delivered at the People's Community Center- Read HERE 
Rev. Michel Curro- I.C.R.J. Director,  Rabbi Contar Roger, Rabbi Dorit Edut from Detroit Interfaith Outreach Network shared the Christian and Jewish traditions of Thanksgiving!

The event was organized by Chairman Arif Huskif, Rev. Sharon Buttry and Sheik Saleh Algamhim.

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11/03/13: 27th Annual Unity Banquet

Sunday, November 3rd- The 27th Annual Unity Banquet of MMCC ( Michigan Muslim Community Council) was held in Livonia at Burton Manor. 

Dawood Zwink and Amina Iqbal presented the program, Governer of Michigan, Mr. Rick Snyder and Dr. Khurrum Wahid were the main speakers. Imam Elahi closed the Banquet with words of prayer. 

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10/27/13: Al-Ghadir Celebration in the Grand Mosque of Baitul-Ilm

Al-Ghadir Celebration in the Grand Mosque of Baitul-Ilm  

Last Sunday, October 27- Following the invitation of Molana Sheikh Mokhtar Faezi, the founding imamof Streamwood, IL (Chicago)'s Grand Mosque, imam Elahi addressed a great gathering of Ahlul-Bayt lovers who gathered in the reception hall of the mosque.

Imam Elahi reflected on the Quran and the traditions of the prophet Mohammad (pbuh) as the main documents of authenticity of the Ghadir event.  

Imam Elahi used numerous quotations from both Shia and Sunni sources to prove that Ghadir was about the importance of leadership of a man whose knowledge, purity, courage, hard work, wisdom, and jihad for justice and freedom, made him a great role model after the holy prophet of Islam.

Imam Elahi congratulated Imam Faezi the leader of the mosque, his assistant SayyedSuleiman, the board members and community members of the area for their great success in completion of the Baitul-Ilm grand mosque.

To view photo highlights of the occasionon Baitul-Ilm's website: click here!

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10/20/13: Historic Girl Scouts Interfaith Service held at the Islamic House of Wisdom!

Historic Girl Scouts Interfaith Service held at the Islamic House of Wisdom!

To view photo Highlights of the event: click HERE!

 Last Sunday, Oct 20th was a remarkable day in the history of Interfaith for Girl Scouts in America.

More than 700 girls from diverse faith backgrounds gathered at the Islamic House of Wisdom for their 2013 Girl Scout Interfaith Service.

"Girls of Faith . . . A sister to every other Girl Scout"

Under the organization of Girl Scout leaders that include Suzanne Bante, Amal Mazeh and assistance of Hawra Yassine, Fatima Dahoui, Mary Elias, Dr. Al Tarlo, JoAnn Johnson, Carol McConnell, Fran Clancy, Dr. Faith Strickland, Christal Renaud, Deanna Goralczyk- the program was a great success due to the hard work and organization prior to the event.

The service included:

Flag Ceremony, Girl Scout Promise, Break Every Chain, A Pilgrimage to Hajj, and Living Rosary in honor of the Blessed Mother and Shalom Chaverim!

The Hajj ceremony performed by the Muslim Girl Scouts made a great    impression on the audience demonstrating tawaf, the sacrifice of Abraham and story behind Zamzam which brought tears to many Muslim and Non-Muslim eyes.

Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi was the first religious leader in the ceremony who welcomed the interfaith guests and thanked the Girl Scout leaders and troops for their sense of responsibility and commitment.

Reflecting on the title of gathering "Girls of Faith", Imam Elahi stated that faith is the most needed value in this chaotic and confusing world full of crises and     moral tragedies!  

Imam Elahi answered the question of where is God by saying:

God is very close to us, He is in our conscience, He is everywhere in creation, anywhere there is beauty, wisdom, truth, justice, organization, perfection, grace, guidance, love and compassion.

People from different traditions may call Him with different names!

Yahweh, Jehovah, God, Lord, Father, Maker, Creator and for those who speak Arabic, Allah.

Imam emphasized on the role of faith in 4 areas of human life.

1-Worship and remembrance of God

2-Purification of soul and domination over internal desires

3-Respect, appreciation, honesty, fairness and love for other human beings

4-And finally caring for the nature and protection of the environment

Imam Elahi advised the youth to put faith as the foundation in choosing their friends, so they can trust their love and loyalty even in the most challenging times of life.

Reflecting on the life of Sayedah Zainab, Imam called her the first leader of Girl Scouts in Islam whose patience, determination, and discipline made her a great role model in history of suffering and sacrifice. Imam asked the Girl Scouts to show solidarity for Zainab, who has been a victim of injustice while still hundreds of years after death, her grave is under the daily bombardment by the forces of darkness in Syria.

Fr. Jeffrey Day, Ecumenical/Interfaith Advisor of the Archdiocese of Detroit, and the leader of St. Fabian Catholic Church also addressed the Girl Scouts with his beautiful remarks.     

Fr. Day thanked the Girl Scouts and Imam Elahi for hosting such a great interfaith service.

Fr. Day invited the Scouts to reflect upon the life and example of Mother Theresa of Calcutta.  Even though Mother Teresa died in 1997, her life story is still relevant to girls of today; she strived to a sister to everyone she met.    

The Fr. Spoke about Mother Teresa who founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic religious congregation, which in 2012 consisted of over 4,500 sisters and is active in 133 countries. Continuing the work of Mother Teresa, they run hospices and homes for people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis; soup kitchens; children's and family counseling programs; orphanages; and schools. Members of the order make the three traditional vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, but also a fourth vow, to give "Wholehearted and Free service to the poorest of the poor".

Fr. Day concluded with a few inspiring quotes from Blessed Teresa of Calcutta:

"When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed."

"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat."

"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."

Unfortunately at the time of this report we haven't received a copy of the beautiful remarks of the third clergy, Reverend Robyn Moore, Hartford Memorial Baptist Church but will post them as soon as they are received. 

This extraordinary event of Michigan Girl Scouts ended in an atmosphere of love, discipline and cooperation. The girls were invited to the main hall where they received badges for participation and craft projects to complement the event.

Greenland Market generously provided the refreshments that helped provide a good atmosphere of healthy socialization and friendship.

IHW Admin
09/24/13: Meeting With President Rouhani After the United Nations Address!

Meeting With President Rouhani After the United Nations Address!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A   group of American Muslim community leaders, in addition to Congressmen   Keith Ellison and André Carson were invited by Iran's mission at the  United Nations in NY to have dinner and conversation with the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Hassan Rouhani last Tuesday  night, right after the address of President Rouhani at the General  Assembly.

In the beginning of the meeting, the president addressed the Muslim  religious and political leaders on the current conditions of the Muslim  ummah.

Dr. Rouhani considered sectarian fighting, violence, terrorism  and civil wars in parts of the Islamic World as main challenges and  asked the religious leaders to emphasize on education of the youth and  awareness of the communities against extremism which fuels  Islamophobia.

The president answered some questions and concerns of the guests regarding the situation in Syria and other Muslim countries.

Following the president remarks, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Congressmen Ellison and some of the imams made some comments.

Imam Elahi thanked president Rouhani for meeting with the religious  leaders despite his extremely short time and busy schedule in NY.

He  appreciated the Presidents peaceful, constructive and promising approach   to the world and said only those who may have disease in their hearts or warmongers may oppose the president prudent position.

Imam Elahi briefed the president on the Code of Honor between the Shia  and Sunni scholars which was signed at Islamic House of Wisdom in 2007  and also similar declarations signed in LA, Chicago and recently in DC  and gave a copy of the covenants to the president.

Imam asked President Rouhani to facilitate an American   delegation of  interfaith to visit Iran and continue the journey of dialogue with the  religious and political leaders of Islamic Republic.

At the end of  this historic meeting, President Rouhani expressed his hope that this  kind of engagement will be the path of Muslims everywhere they live. He  asked the Muslims to respect the laws of the country wherever they  live and set a role model, representing the true teachings of Islam.

IHW Admin
09/21/13: Interfaith gathering in Mother of Savoir church in Dearborn!!


Interfaith gathering in Mother of Savoir church in Dearborn!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013: In an Interfaith gathering, organized by Rev. Rani Abdol-Masih, the leader of Mother of the Savior Church in Dearborn both Imam Mohammad Mardini and Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi addressed the conference participants.  

Imam Mardini spoke about Wahabism. He stated that the Wahhabi sect was a political entity from the very beginning. It was a movement with the support of the Saudi Royal family with a political agenda, intention of more money and domination in the region. Imam Mardini mentioned that the Wahhabi's used religion for political purposes and their actions have nothing to do with the true teachings of Islam.

Imam Elahi confirmed Imam Mardini's points and added that unfortunately the real supporter of   terrorism in the Middle East is the Saudi kingdom and its princes. Saudi money, weapons and intelligence contribute in a great extent to suicide bombers and explosions that cause both daily death and destruction in the Middle East and Africa.

Imam Elahi emphasized on the importance of internal jihad, a common moral jihad for both Muslims and Christians, a jihad against the army of ignorance, ego, arrogance, greed and selfishness.     

Mentioning similarities between Islam and Christianity, in many concepts such as prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage and ethical values, he said we all must work together for the social message of our faith and that is peace and justice.

Diversity is a Divine design. It is for us to know each other, build bridges of understanding, promote peaceful coexistence and set an example of tolerance, respect and cooperation.

If God is merciful, loving and caring, we must share these qualities among our human family.


On Friday, September 20th, Imam Elahi also participated in an Interfaith Dinner held at Byblos Banquet Center that was organized by Rev. Rani and Mother of Savoir church in Dearborn, Michigan. The dinner was part of a 3 day interfaith event, including the service mentioned above. 

To view pictures of the dinner, taken by Nafeh AbuNab: click HERE  

IHW Admin
09/12/13: Imam Elahi's Interfaith Prayer On the Anniversary of 9/11 at Dearborn City Hall

September 12, 2013    

Imam Elahi's Interfaith Prayer On the Anniversary of 9/11 at Dearborn City Hall    

Yesterday, September 11, 2013-  Leaders and members of the Interfaith community gathered at Dearborn City Hall for a service of prayer and remembrance of 9/11.  

To view more photo highlights: click here!  

Below is an excerpt of Imam Elahi's benediction prayer:  

       We are here this evening  to honor the memory of 3000 innocent Americans and other nationalities who lost their lives more than a decade ago, on September 11 2001.

      The tragic terrorist attack on the Trade Center in New York was an unspeakable crime not only against America and humanity but against a peaceful religion, hijacked by the forces of ignorance and greed.

     We should never forget that tragic time, the suffering, and the sacrifice of the victims and the painful wounds on the hearts of their families.

   Prayer is the most powerful medicine to bless those souls and to heal those hearts with hope and determination!

    Prayer is the best spiritual protection, purification, and the purpose of creation according to our Abrahamic traditions!

     This is why 9/11 is a National Day of Prayer! A day of remembrance and reflection, a day of sadness for the lost souls and solidarity with their survivals.

    A day of salutation and support for those individuals and organizations whose maximum courage and commitment in saving lives in the most desperate moments of need in 9/11, brought maximum pride and dignity for our nation.

      As we mourn the lost lives, we move forward to defend the principles of freedom and justice, to work together in the path of peace and prosperity for our nation and the world.

      We honor that legacy and commit ourselves to continue our cooperation as one nation in any humanitarian project that promotes peace and prosperity, comfort and harmony for our fellow citizens and the world.

    We ask You, O Lord to open our hearts and minds to Your heavenly peace.

    To shower Your wisdom, vision, grace and love upon us, let us be Your ambassadors of reconciliation, peace, compassion, justice, generosity and salvation!

     Provide us with great victory over our internal enemies, ignorance, ego, arrogance, anger, jealousy, hypocrisy, selfishness, prejudice and hate!

     Help us to stand against poverty, racism, war, violence, corruption and oppression.

        O Lord, those agents of terror and tragedy who lost their sense of   humanity and caused the 9/11 catastrophe keep recruiting more suicide   bombers in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon and now in Syria.

O God,  They practice all kinds of brutality and bloodshed under Your name.  Please confuse their plans and save the innocents from their harm and  evils.

They forgot what You said in the Old Testament and the Quran that:

"Destroying one innocent soul is equal to destruction of all mankind". 

      O God protect our country from another 9/11 and save those countries suffering from their daily 9/11!

     Let America be the symbol of liberation, rule of law, democracy and diversity! 

        Let our nation be a role model of love, logic, respect, tolerance,  bridge building and brotherhood. A nation of John F Kennedy and Martin  Luther King!

Bless American pluralism, so we celebrate our similarities and appreciate our differences!

    Let's learn   from Noah's patience, from Abraham submission, from Moses courage, from  Jesus love, from Mohammad wisdom and from You all of the meanings, all  beauties and all the perfections!     Ameen!

IHW Admin
09/08/13: Interfaith Service of Prayer for Peace at Littlefield Church

Interfaith Service of Prayer for Peace  

September 8, 2013 - Sunday, In a special interfaith service of prayer at Littlefield Church in Dearborn, Imam Elahi of the Islamic House of Wisdom, Pastor Fran Hayes of Littlefield Church and Cantor Roger Skully presented prayers on behalf of each faith tradition.  

As a part of the Islamic representation in the service, Yousef Makki presented the call to prayer (adhan) while Younas Makki recited from the Holy Quran. Members of Littlefield Church shared part of their prayer tradition through music including, "Songs of Peace" and "Let there be Peace on Earth".  Rev. Bill Gepford led each of the faith leaders in lighting a candle for peace.

Pastor Fran addressed participants of the faith communities with words of prayer and encouraged cooperation amongst community members. Calling for unity, she requested, "that all of us gather together as neighbors from the Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities to practice a respectful presence as we share the wisdom of our various traditions and pray together. May we make new friends and leave with greater hope and resolve to meet again and work together for peace in our communities and beyond."   

Also some of those who were present in the occasion: Mayor of Dearborn, John "Jack" O'Reilly, Jr., IHW Vice-Chair Hajjah Vicki Ashker, Hajjah Jennifer Elahi, Hajj Hamza Makki, Hajj Eid Alawan and son, br. Hajj Eid Alawan, Hajj Tarek Beydoun & Ronald Stockton   --      Video of Imam Elahi's prayer will be posted soon! Stay tuned!


IHW Admin
09/06/13: Dearborn Community Leaders Met with Congressman John Dingell- Discussed Syrian Situation!

Dearborn Community Leaders Met with Congressman John Dingell-    Discussed Syrian Situation!

September 6, 2013- Last Friday,   Congressman John Dingell joined a group of religious and community  leaders at the Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn Heights, Michigan to listen to their views on President Obama's position on Syria.

Welcoming  the Congressman and participants, Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi, thanked  Mr. Dingell for making time to meet with everyone  . 

Imam   Elahi expressed his absolute opposition to any US military engagement in Syria. "Any kind of military strike would add to the suffering of  Syrian civilians and will multiply the chaos, confusion, death and  destruction in the Middle East", the Imam said. "More damage to the  image and long term interests of America is another consequence of a  military strike on Syria."  

Imam   stated that if President Obama does not like to listen to Russia,  China, Iran and many other countries throughout the world, he should  listen to the UN, the Pope, the British parliament, the European Union  and majority of Americans who oppose military attacks on Syria.

Post   9/11 wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were to fight al-Qaeda, while in  Syria our government is helping al-Qaeda! The media told us that 14 out of 19 Al-Qaeda agents were from Saudi Arabia! Again today it is the  money, media and manpower of Saudi Arabia behind al-Nosra and other  al-Qaeda forces in Syria.

For all of these  reasons it is a big mistake and absolutely wrong for our administration  to intervene in this war, though its been involved indirectly through  other parties from the beginning! 

Imam   Elahi stated that using chemical weapons is a big crime against  humanity, yet we need to listen to the UN report and if necessary launch   an independent investigation free of political games to figure out the  most effective way of serving truth and justice. At this time the Syrian  government denies any involvement in chemical attacks, while there are  some interviews from extremists acknowledging use of chemical weapons  with the help of Saudi prince, Bandar Ben Sultan. If these allegations prove to be true, then the administration should tell us what should be done to stop al-Qaeda from chemical attacks.  

Al-Qaeda have demonstrated maximum brutality and barbarism against innocent Syrians,  they have no mercy even to the graves of those people who died more than  a thousand years ago. They attacked the shrines and killed the people in  the mosque even in the night of power!

The  government of Syria is secular but it provides freedom of religious  expression for all. The Muslims and Christians can worship freely, but  al-Qaeda have no respect for any other religions. They destroy both  mosques and churches and they kill both imams and priests!

Imam   Elahi said the fact that the Saudi government is ready to pay for the missiles doesn't justify the strikes. The Saudis are behind terrorism in  Iraq and Syria, and they do everything to export their takfiry  terrorists to their countries.

Imam   Elahi reminded the Congressman that with a new president elected by the  Iranian people, this is a perfect time to bring peace to the Middle   East. It is a foolish mistake to start another war adding to the  unprecedented tragedy that already exists. Imam asked the Congressman to   use all of his power to stop the administration from attacking Syria.

Following  the statement of Imam Elahi, the floor was opened for the comments of  participating leaders of community centers and organizations. Each  expressed their disagreement with US military engagement in Syria.   

Sayyed   Mohammad Kashmiri was the last speaker who reminded the Congressman  that if the US government is interested in a democratic transition in  the Middle East, the best place to start would be from the worst levels of dictatorship. Noting the dictatorship in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia where   women do not even have the right to drive a car to some other tyrants in  the Middle East.  

After   listening kindly and patiently to everyone's remarks, Congressman John   Dingell thanked Imam Elahi for his invitation and hospitality, and  addressed some of the serious concerns of the community.  

The Congressman  showed understanding and sympathy with the audience and said he was  pleased to hear the points of the people in his congressional district! He stated that he would decide about the nature of his vote  after hearing the Congressional discussion as well. 

IHW Admin
09/04/13: Local Interfaith Met at IHW to Finalize 9/11 Service
09/04/13: Local Interfaith Met at IHW to Finalize 9/11 Service

September, 11, 2013- Interfaith Service on the Anniversary of 9/11 at Hemlock park in Dearborn!

Yesterday, Lila  Amen of Dearborn public schools, Rev. Colleen Kamake of St. Paul  Lutheran Church, Rev. Diana of First Baptist Church, Rev. Fran Hayes of  Littlefield Church and Rev. John Cramer of Our Savior Catholic Church  met at the office of Imam Elahi at the Islamic House of Wisdom.

Details of the upcoming interfaith 9/11 service were finalized. Honoring the victims of 9/11, the event will start at 7:00pm on Wednesday, September 11th at Hemlock park lasting approximately one hour.

At the end of this meeting, Imam Elahi praised Pope Francis for  his powerful message of peace, reconciliation and dialogue in Syria. Imam informed the church leaders that he would ask his congregation  during this Friday prayer to support the Pope and other Christian leaders and denominations by observing fast this Saturday and pray for peace in Syria.

Imam concluded that American military intervention will bring  more destruction and disaster to the Middle East and more damage to the  image and interests of America!

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