Honorable Sam Beydoun, the Wayne County Commissioner presented a resolution plaque to Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi on the day of IHW's Community Dinner.
Details on the Resolution:
"Saluting his service with the interfaith network in Michigan.
Whereas, it is with great pleasure that we, the members of the Wayne County commission, recognize and Bestow due honor on IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI of the Islamic House of wisdom, for his outstanding services community and the interface network; and
Whereas IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI began his Islamic seminary studies at the age of 12, he quickly became a distinguished student and began his preaching at the age of 15, within a few years Imam Elahi became a national prominent speaker, advocating for social justice and civil rights; and
Whereas, Community involvement also has been important to IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI, Who is a member many community organization‘s and is one of the founders of the Islamic of House of Wisdom, Imam Elahi along with the other founders, built the Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn in 1995 and moved to its current location in Dearborn Heights in 1997; and
Whereas, IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI is a sought – after speaker and a pioneer interfaith leader in North America, working diligently to build a spiritual and social bridges, Imam Elahi, A prolific writer and a media personality, delivers powerful Friday sermons and presentations and is a source of spiritual education and inspiration, focusing on understanding, openness, peace and tolerance; and
Whereas, IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI Travel to London in 1986 for one year, where he had the opportunity to learn the English language, in 1989, Imam Elahi Was invited to speak at the world religious conference in San Francisco, California and travel to Dearborn, Michigan where he decided to join the growing Muslim population; therefore be it
Resolved, That the Wayne County commission solutes and commends IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI for his career not only serving the Islamic House of Wisdom, but also the interfaith network in Michigan and abroad; and, it is further
Resolved, on this 25th day of April 2019, that this resolution be spread the length upon the journal of this day’s proceedings to endure as a lasting record of acknowledgement and that a suitable copy be presented to IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI, with the best wishes to him and his continued work in the community."