Honorable Sam Beydoun, the wayne County Commissioner presented a resolution plaque to Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi on the day of IHW's Community Dinner

Honorable Sam Beydoun, the Wayne County Commissioner presented a resolution plaque to Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi on the day of IHW's Community Dinner.


Details on the Resolution:

"Saluting his service with the interfaith network in Michigan.

Whereas, it is with great pleasure that we, the members of the Wayne County commission, recognize and Bestow due honor on IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI of the Islamic House of wisdom, for his outstanding services community and the interface network; and 

Whereas IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI began his Islamic seminary studies at the age of 12, he quickly became a distinguished student and began his preaching at the age of 15, within a few years Imam Elahi became a national prominent speaker, advocating for social justice and civil rights; and 

Whereas, Community involvement also has been important to IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI, Who is a member many community organization‘s and is one of the founders of the Islamic of House of Wisdom, Imam Elahi along with the other founders, built the Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn in 1995 and moved to its current location in Dearborn Heights in 1997; and 

Whereas, IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI is a sought – after speaker and a pioneer interfaith leader in North America, working diligently to build a spiritual and social bridges, Imam Elahi, A prolific writer and a media personality, delivers powerful Friday sermons and presentations and is a source of spiritual education and inspiration, focusing on understanding, openness, peace and tolerance; and 

Whereas, IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI Travel to London in 1986 for one year, where he had the opportunity to learn the English language, in 1989, Imam Elahi Was invited to speak at the world religious conference in San Francisco, California and travel to Dearborn, Michigan where he decided to join the growing Muslim population; therefore be it 

Resolved, That the Wayne County commission solutes and commends IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI for his career not only serving the Islamic House of Wisdom, but also the interfaith network in Michigan and abroad; and, it is further

Resolved, on this 25th day of April 2019, that this resolution be spread the length upon the journal of this day’s proceedings to endure as a lasting record of acknowledgement and that a suitable copy be presented to IMAM MOHAMMAD A. ELAHI, with the best wishes to him and his continued work in the community."

IHW Office
American Clergy Leadership Council Awarded Imam Elahi for Promoting Marriage, Faith and Family Values!

American Clergy Leadership Council Awarded Imam Elahi for Promoting Marriage, Faith and Family Values!

ACLC held the Award Ceremony in Detroit Family Church under the leadership of Rev. David Kasbow!

Imam Elahi called Rev. Kasbow a leader who always practices what he preaches, he walks his talks in love, humbleness and service!

Imam Elahi used a Quranic reference to explain the blessing of a good Marrage in protection, purification, beatification, peacefulness and prosperity for married people!

Rev. Kasbow admired three decades of Imam Elahi’s interfaith work and the services of IHW in education, faith, unity and promotion of family union!

Another recipient of Award was Bishop John Jones from Philadelphia!

IHW Office
Imam Elahi's Address at the World Sabbath Annual Celebration!

Imam Elahi’s Address at the World Sabbath Annual Celebration!

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20th World Sabbath Celebration at Islamic House of Wisdom- A Great Success in The History of Dearborn Interfaith Work!

For the majority of Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists and other traditions who entered a mosque for the first time in their lives, they expressed their sincere appreciation for this experience and the kindness and hospitality of IHW congregation and Dearborn area Muslim community!

Imam Elahi passed the Peace Banner for 2020's Annual gathering to Rev. Mary Biedron of Farmington North Congregational Church!

Summary of Imam Elahi’s address at the World Sabbath!

"We at IHW feel so honored, humbled and happy to host the 20th Annual World Sabbath. First time in the Dearborn area and first time in a mosque!

We honor the memory of late Rev. Rod who initiated this event 20 years ago in Michigan, as we thank Mrs. Gail Kats for keeping this wonderful legacy!

Thank you clergy community and city officials for your presence and participation!

Special thank to our interfaith children who are here to sing the songs of love, peace, justice, friendship, forgiveness, respect and reconciliation!

They will say “ let there be peace on this earth and let it begin with me”

They will sing the song of “ we don’t want war any more”!

That is a wonderful message!

That means this generation telling the world:

No tyranny and terrorism any more!

No oppression and injustice any more

No invasion and occupation any more

No holocaust against the Jews any more

No war crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza any more

No genocide in Yemen, Syria, Afghanestan and Iraq any more.

No stunning, barbarian murder of Khashogies in Istanbul Embassy and be rewarded by money worshiping politicians in the East and West any more!

People need food and Friendship! People need security and service, being in Detroit or DC, Kabul or Cairo, Syria or Sanaa, Africa or Venezuela20th century was a century of great success in silence but spiritually a century of insanity and crazy destructive wars!

Over 250 million people were killed during the major wars which were launched in the name of nationalism, Communism, Colonialism etc!

If it’s true that our US governments spent $7 trillion in the last few decades in wars in the ME, then they should tell us if we have peace in that region now?

If a small portion of $700 billion of annual spending on war and military, contributed toward peacemaking , education and dialogue, the world would be much safer and happier!

Imam Elahi emphasized on celebrating the similarities between the world’s religions in so many values such as kindness, compassion, hospitality, humbleness, charity, prayer and patience!

The imam reflected on the Islamic greeting of Salaam and said peace start from our hearts, extended to God, people and universe!"

IHW Office
Muslim Capital Day a Great Success!

Muslim Capital Day a Great Success!

The event was organized by MMCC!

The speakers included MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Fadwa Hamoud from Attorney General, Rep. Abdallah Hamoud, Dr. Hadidi the president of MMCC, imam Masmary, Judge Bernstein and Imam Elahi.

The following is a summary of Imam Elahi's speech!

Thank you Dr. Hadidi and MMCC for your leadership, time and talent in arranging this event!

Thank you members and staff of Capital for your welcoming spirit and hospitality.

We are here to offer you the message of our Muslim community, the message of salaam, peace , love and friendship!

We are here to support your work in defending our democracy, diversity, dignity, constitution, bill of rights, Declaration of Independence, and American values and principles!

Our heart is broken to see these days one of your colleagues is under attack, harassment, psychological terror and life threat.

It’s not about Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, it’s about racism, hatred and Islamophobia

This tactic was used in 2016 election and this sick tsunami of Islamophobia already started before 2020 election.

What does this poor lady has to do with 9-11?

She even signed a bill demanding compensation for 9-11 victims!

If the president cares about 9-11 why did he veto a bi-partisan resolution to end the war crimes in Yemen yesterday?

To accuse a member of Congress for 9-11 while dancing with those related to 9-11 and calling them good allies this is a big hypocrisy. This is not acceptable!

IHW Office
The text of Imam Elahi's Interfaith Prayer in Los Angelos!

The Text of Imam Elahi's Interfaith Prayer in Los Angeles!

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رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لَنَا وَلِإِخْوَانِنَا الَّذِينَ سَبَقُونَا بِالإِيمَانِ وَلا تَجْعَلْ فِي 

قُلُوبِنَا غِلاً لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ رَؤُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ

O God of glory and grace!

Thank you for guiding us this early morning to this gathering of faith and fellowship!

O Lord we are coming from different places of this planet, meeting at this Los Angeles Sheraton Hotel this weekend, to promote World Peace and to celebrate our similarities and appreciate our differences!

O Lord of love and justice

Bless this assembly and accept us as servants and soldiers at Your army of compassion and action!

O Allah let the light of Your Devine wisdom direct our dialogues on Universal peace and energize us to be Your ambassadors of peace, promoting patience, mutual understanding, respect, reconciliation and peaceful coexistence amount Your people regardless of their race, religion, nationality or cultural characteristics!

Strengthen our voice to reject fear mongering , hatred, extremism, war and violence and revive the culture of dialogue, diplomacy and human brotherhood!

O lord please guid us to the road of the righteous, let’s learn submission from Abraham, courage from Moses, love from Jesus and wisdom from Mohammad and every goodness and beauty from every other moral model you sent to this earth from Your heavenly kingdom!


IHW Office
The transcript of Imam Elahi's lecture on Los Angeles Interfaith Conference!

Imam Elahi's Interfaith Message

The transcript of Imam Elahi’s lecture on Los Angeles Interfaith Conference!

How can we contribute to peace in the family, nation and the world?


يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ

Peace is a fundamental human right. Peace is a human responsibility. 

Peace is part of the revelation of our religions. 

Passion for peace is part of our prayer. Since God is love, God is just and God is peace.

Peace is the main call of our creator. The fruit of our faith and the path to paradise, the final house of peace, prayed for by every faithful.

To have universal peace we need to believe in a universal God, universal vision, universal mission, universal belief, and brotherhood.

To understand the meaning of life, the purpose of life, to realize that we are all citizens of the same world and passengers of the same planet. 

Living here for a short time with huge opportunities and huge obligations.

God has blessed us as humans with the gift of spiritual awareness, the constitution of our conscience and consciousness. 

If we ignore the calls of our conscience and follow only our desires, temptations, greed, and anger then we must be accountable soon in the court of our creator on the day resurrection!

It is a serious sin to see the suffering of many members of our human family who go through daily pain, death, and destruction and say nothing and do nothing! 

Worse than that, to support their crimes against humanity. 

Yes it’s a serious sin to support war and violence, extremism and terrorism, discrimination and racism, hate and hypocrisy.

Those monsters who continue to make even more mess and misery for our human family should not be ignored or rewarded, they must be addressed and embarrassed!

Those who are responsible for the worst human catastrophe in 21st century in Yemen and continue to genocide many generations with a bomb, hunger, and disease must not be called great allies otherwise we are responsible for the blood of the victims and the death of murdered journalists like Khashoggi.

Those who have turned Gaza to the worlds biggest concentration camp and commit war crimes against innocent Palestinians must not be welcomed and helped to be reelected.

Brothers and sisters, peace is not an empty expression, it is about good intention and good action. 

The most current social sickness is extremism. Being religious like so-called isis or racial like white supremacists, they are the same. 

The same tone, the same tactics , causing the same tragedy and using the same digital technology. 

Both are terrorists, both are criminals!We don't have good terrorists or bad terrorists.

I admire the prime minister of New Zealand , Ms. Ardern for her honesty and dignity and courageousness response to after the mosque massacres in her country. 

I'm inviting a representative from her administration to join our dinner on April 25th in Michigan as i'm inviting some UPF leaders such as Dr. Walsh and Dr. Jenkins to join our celebration of peace, a celebration of our similarities and appreciation for our differences.

This is wonderful to reflect on the document and declaration of human brotherhood recently signed by Pope Francis and the head of al-Azhar University, Dr. Ahmad Tayyeb!

Even if we cannot stop all the wars in the world and cannot make universal peace right away, we can report to our creator that we did our best!

It’s an honor to leave this world with a legacy of peace, just like the founder of Universal Peace Federation did, God bless his soul!

IHW Office
Congratulations to St. Mary Orthodox Church in Livonia, Palestinian Aid Society of America, Arab American News and entire Arab, Christian and Muslim Communities in Michigan

Congratulations to St. Mary Orthodox Church in Livonia, Palestinian Aid Society of America , Arab American News and entire Arab, Christian and Muslim Communities in Michigan for hosting honorable Archbishop of Jerusalem ATALLAH Hanna in the last few days!

Both yesterday and today we heard the true message of Jerusalem, message of freedom and justice, peace and dignity!

Listening to the words of this man of God, and his heavenly voice of wisdom, vision and solidarity with the poor and the oppressed, gives you hope of celebrating the human conscience and spiritual awareness everywhere on this planet!

Since president Trump claims Christianity, I ask him next time he goes to Jerusalem, stop by at the Church of this Archbishop and learn about the true voice of Jesus!

Then he would realize that his policies not only hurt the Muslims and Christians but also the true Jews everywhere!

Nothing is more harmful to the Jewish communities to defend occupation, oppression and hypocrisy under their name! 

Real security for the Jewish people won’t be achieved through destroying the entire Middle East in the name of securing them!

We love and pray to see one day again the Muslims, Christians and Jews live next to each other in Jerusalem and entire Holy Land of Palestine with peace and brotherhood!

To occupy people’s property, stopping them from returning to the land they used to live on for thousands of years and treat any resistance with bombs and bloodshed is not promising any long term security for anyone. To turn Gaza to the world biggest concentration camp won’t help anyone in that neighborhood!!

It’s time for all children of Abraham to work together as one family and stop Trump, Netanyahu, Ben Salman and other self-centered politicians from their selfish policies which produce more misery and pain for all the people in the Middle East and in particular the suffering Palestinians!

You never feel safe if there are people in your neighborhood whose human rights, including their dignity, freedom, education, welfare, security and sovereignty are denied!

Just having might, doesn’t make you right!

IHW Office
Breaking a Lent Season Iftar with Honorable Archbishop of Jerusalem Attalah Hanna

Breaking a Lent Season Iftar with Honorable Archbishop of Jerusalem Atallah Hanna!


Great appreciation to Fr. George Shalhoub for arranging this spacial ceremony welcoming the Palestinian Archbishop at St. Mary's Church in Livonia a day before the Land Commemoration in St. Mary Cultural Center at 18100 Merriman, Livonia!

I felt so humbled and honored to be welcomed by both Fr. And the Archbishop generous words and loving expressions!

I was kindly given an opportunity for few words!

I admired the leadership of Fr. Shalhoub as a shining light of love, wisdom and unity in our communities!

I was so happy to address our visiting guest and his accompanied delegation!

Archbishop Hanna is truly a voice of truth, justice, courage and contribution to the Palestinian cause, as he is also a voice of strong opposition to the bloodshed and war crimes in Gaza, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya and other areas!

He stood with great dignity and bravery against Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands, against oppression, against the change of Jerusalem identity and relocation of American embassy to Al-Quds!

I told the Archbishop that any time I hear him talking about Palestine and suffering of Palestinian people in the last 70 years, it’s like I am listening to the voices Mary, Massieh, Moses and Mohammad (peace be upon them all).

Trump and Netanyahu declarations about the identity of Jerusalem or Golan Heights can’t change the historic facts. The world looks at these statements as big jokes than honest reality. Political propaganda can’t stop the struggle for freedom, justice, peace and the end of oppression and occupation!

(21:105) Surely We wrote in the Psalms, after the exhortation, that the earth shall be inherited by My righteous servants.

وَلَقَدْ كَتَبْنَا فِي الزَّبُورِ مِن بَعْدِ الذِّكْرِ أَنَّ الْأَرْضَ يَرِثُهَا عِبَادِيَ الصَّالِحُونَ 

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Enlightening Dialogue at Sacred Heart Church in dearborn!

Enlightening Dialogue at Sacred Heart Church In Dearborn!


The identity of Mary and Jesus in Christianity and Islam!

Fr. Ken Chase, Dr. Robert Fastiggi and Imam Elahi attended the panel and Dr. Ed Demerly moderated the discussion!

There was a time for table discussions and raising questions to the panel!

In his presentation, imam Elahi thanked Dr. Mary Assel, Dr. Ed and other organizers of this inspiring and friendly dialogue and reflected in the importance of Muslims-Christians converse and connection while the world is facing the threat of extremism both in politics and religion!

Imam emphasized on the fact that out of all world’s religions, it’s only Islam that recognizes Christianity as an independent Heavenly and Divine religion and believes in the miraculous birth of Jesus from a version lady called Mary!

The fact that Mary is the only female whose name is mentioned in the Quran not once but 34 times as a heavenly lady of light, purity and mom of a messenger of God!

The fact that based on the Quran, Jesus spoke from the moment of his birth and protected the integrity of his mom and promoted prayer, charity and service!

Imam Elahi also reflected on the similar moral values and principles such love, humbleness, hospitality, forgiveness and compassion!

Imam Elahi then examined some theological differences between Islam and some branches of Christianity.

He said The Quran identifies Jesus as spirit of God, word of God, messenger and servant of God but not God! Jesus himself never said that he was God, the Bible doesn’t say it either.

Imam then pointed out to some other different approaches on issues like trinity, original sin and Crucification!

Imam concluded that regardless of few differences in some elements of our belief system, we need to work together against religious and political extremism of our time whose main targets are Islam and Christianity!

Our mosques and churches, Muslims and Christian cultures and civilizations are under attack in the Middle East! Isis and white supremacy are doing the same things, we have common enemy, that is the cancer of extremism. Religion is used for political purposes from the White House to Tel Aviv to Saudi Arabia!

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Blood Donation - This morning at Plymouth City Hall!

Blood Donation- This morning at Plymouth City Hall!


I wish I had a chance to donate some of my blood to those men, women and children who are tragically wounded under the criminal and barbarian bombardments of the Saudi and Israeli oppressors in Yemen, Syria and Gaza or by evil Al-Qaeda and isis terrorists in Afghanistan, Iraq and other areas!

But still grateful to be able to help my fellow Americans, my brothers and sisters in Islam, Christianity, Judaism or other faith traditions!

Working with Red Cross to save lives in the hospitals is a rewarding and happy experience! If interested to donate blood, please reply to this email for more info!

IHW Office
World Sabbath Interfaith Celebration for the first time in a Mosque!

World Sabbath Interfaith Celebration for the First time in a Mosque!


Some Dearborn area interfaith leaders discussed the next Sunday celebration in their meeting at Islamic House of Wisdom!

They are calling all leaders and members of the faithful communities to take advantage of this opportunity and attend this interfaith event!

Also, a good chance for the Muslim community to show their hospitality, respect, warm welcoming, peaceful spirit and their outreach for friendship and cooperation with the rest of our nation during this unique opportunity!

We need more volunteers to make this even a turning point in our interfaith journey!

IHW Office
Bellagio Banquet and Conference Center and Hype Athletics Two Blessing Neighbors of Islamic House of Wisdom!

Bellagio Banquet and Conference Center and Hype Athletics Two Blessing Neighbors of Islamic House of Wisdom!

Honorable hajj Sayyed Kassem Beydoun the founder of Bellagio Conference Center and Banquet hall visited IHW and spoke with imam Elahi this afternoon.

Imam congratulated hajj Sayyed Kassem for opening his state of art facility at Telegraph and Warren Avenue. 

Imam admired the Sayyed for his passionate vision to serve the city and the community in so many different ways, while raising a faithful and educated family.

Imam Elahi invited Sayyed Kassem and other community leaders to join the World Sabbath which will be held at IHW this Sunday with the presence of hundreds of followers Islam, Christians, Jewish, Hindus, Buddhists and other faith traditions.

While IHW is planning to award the president of Universal Peace Federation during its next Fundraising on April 25th, the imam thanked the founder of Bellagio Banquet and Conference Center for allowing IHW to hold its dinner and award ceremony at his extremely beautiful banquet facility.

It’s indeed a blessing to be part of Dearborn area and its dignified neighborhoods and fantastic facilities

IHW Office
Chief Police Haddad Briefed Interfaith representatives and Chaplains on the department's Policies and Practices!

Chief Police Haddad Briefed Interfaith Representatives and Chaplains on the Department’s Policies and Practices!


The chief’s presentation included the reduction of crimes rate in DEARBORN, ethical orientations of officers, sanctity of life emphasis, sensitivity classes for valuing people’s faith and cultural diversity!

Imam Elahi admired Chief Haddad for his engagement with the community, being with the people, for the people and establishing a good model and legacy of cooperation with the city and community’s organizations and members!

The chief expressed his happiness of imam Elahi attendance and address in World Summit Interfaith in Seoul South Korea and the good message of this kind of work for building bridges of understanding among the communities and nations!

IHW Office
Thought and Prayers for the Honorable Congressman John Dingell and his family, especially his wife- Congresswoman Debbie and his son, Judge Christopher Dingell!

Thought and Prayers for the Honorable Congressman John Dingell and his family, especially his wife- Congresswoman Debbie and his son, Judge Christopher Dingell!


Thought and Prayers for the Honorable Congressman John Dingell and his family, especially his wife- Congresswoman Debbie and his son, Judge Christopher Dingell!

Our community and country will always remember and honor, courage, commitment, and great services of John and his wonderful family!

IHW Office
Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi’s words of prayer addressing over 30,000 people at Cheongshim Peace World Center During the 2019 International Interfaith Summit in Seoul, South Korea!

Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi’s words of prayer addressing over 30,000 people at Cheongshim Peace World Center During the 2019 International Interfaith Summit in Seoul, South Korea! Watch HERE!


World Interfaith Summit Highlights!

Imam Elahi arrived back from Seoul, the capital of South Korea-

It was an amazing opportunity to meet with hundreds of religious, political and national leaders from all over the world and explain the position of Islam on the world’s political and religious turmoil and tensions.

In addition to addressing one of the main sessions of the summit, Imam Elahi spoke also during the final celebration of peace and interfaith unity which was held at Cheongshim Peace Stadium filled with an international gathering of over 30,000 people, with an Islamic prayer. A brief summary of Imam Elahi's Prayer follows...

"O Lord of light, love, glory and grace!

Thank You for the work of Universal Peace Federation, it’s great founders and moral models, and their dedicated disciples who continue this loving legacy with courage, compassion and commitment!

Thank You Lord for this 2019 Seoul Summit of solidarity and support for all populations of this planet who may suffer from insecurity, poverty, war, terrorism, persecution and oppression

O God You are the central source of might, mercy, wisdom, holiness and hope,

Please bless this inspiring assembly and it’s ambassadors of peace to serve Your Divine desires and vision for the passengers of this planet!

Help us to replace the culture of division with reunification not only in Korean Peninsula but every society that may suffer from tension and segregation!

Help us to be also ambassadors of love, respect, responsibility, righteousness, humbleness, forgiveness, understanding, unity and brotherhood and save our human civilization from the evil of hatred, racism, arrogance, warmongering, brutality and bloodshed!

O Compassionate and Caring Creator, help us to be one faithful and fulfilling family under Your Devine direction and destination!


Imam Elahi Addressed the Universal Peace Summit in South Korea!

More about the World Summit-

Over 800 religious, civil rights, political, interfaith and community leaders from all over the world gathered at Lotte World Hotel in Seoul with the invitation and organization of UPF(Universal Peace Federation).

Imam Elahi as one of the interfaith leaders addressed the assembly and spoke about the concept of peace in Islam.

Imam stated that peace is a beautiful name of God, He is central source of peace and only through reflecting, remembering and replying to His call we can make peace with ourselves, our fellow humans and the nature!

Imam Elahi talked about some of the main obstacles of peace in the world such as disconnection with the Lord, and acts of injustice, arrogance, dishonesty and irresponsibility in dealing with people and the planet!

Imam Elahi criticized some of the conference guests including former Vice President Dick Cheney and former House speaker Newt Gingrich for the path they suggested for the world peace. They suggested that to make peace, you must be more powerful and have a mightier military, the imam said the true peace is not coming by power but the true power is coming through peace, to be powerful doesn’t make you peaceful but to be peaceful makes you true powerful!

Military might makes you powerful but not necessarily great!

Imam Elahi called justice and truth two fundamental words of God and real foundations of peace!

Imam concluded by saying that peace won’t be achieved through the philosophy of might is right and ends justify the means! He criticized the president State of Union address for being silent about the suffering in Gaza, the war crimes in Yemen, the violation of human rights in Saudi Arabia and said its time to break the world silence about all these manifestations of oppression, pain, poverty and corruption if we desire universal peace and prosperity for all!

Imam Elahi appreciated the warm welcoming he received during and after his lecture and thanked the UPF for the opportunity!

View More photos of the World Summit, HERE!

While in Seoul and busy with an international interfaith summit, we attended the Friday prayer at the main mosque at the capital of South Korea!

The imam of the Mosque and the faithful had a friendly conversation with us after the prayer!

One thing that impressed me the most was the high number of Muslims attended the prayer in Seoul, though the mosque is big and it was full, hundreds of people joined the prayer and made lines outside the mosque in a cold weather of ten degrees! 

IHW Office
Universal Peace Federation World Summit in South Korea!

Universal Peace Federation World Summit in South Korea!

Rev. David Kasbo representitive of UPF visited IHW this afternoon, inviting Imam Elahi to speak in an important international interfaith Conference next week in Seoul the capital of South Korea!

Rev. David briefed the imam on the importance of this international assembly and mentioned that a highly selected group of delegates from around the world including religious leaders, civil society leaders and parliamentarians will meet to share their wisdom and collective experience to contribute to build a world of better understanding with peace, mutual respect and prosperity for all.

Imam Elahi thanked UPF leaders for the invitation and confirmed his participation!

IHW Office
Imam Elahi's Quranic Reflection on Justice on MLK Interfaith Observation At Islamic Center of America!

Imam Elahi's Quranic Reflection on Justice on MLK Interfaith Observation At Islamic Center of America!

Imam Elahi honored Dr Martin Luther King as the greatest human rights hero in American history and expressed his happiness that Islamic Center hosted the celebration!


Imam Elahi then talked about the importance of justice in Islamic theology and quoted George Jordak who called imam Ali the Voice of Human Justice!

He also quoted late Kofi Annan who considers imam Ali as the fairest Governor who appeared in human history!

That is why MLK is loved so much among the Muslim, he stood for human dignity and spoke for the voiceless and victims of injustice and oppression!

Imam Elahi then read and reflected on justice verses in the Quran!

The following words are simple translation of verses in the holy Quran!

God is just. God never wishes any injustice to anyone in the world. Oppression, corruption and crimes come from oppressive people not God!

Justice, generality and honoring the rights of the relatives are commandment from your Creator, they are orders not options!

We sent all the prophet with the weapon of wisdom to promote justice and equality among the people!

O community of faith, stand for justice all the times!

Be just in your talking

Be just in your writing

Be just in judging

Be just in peace negotiation between fighting forces

Be just even if justice hurts your friends and helps your enemies

The foundation of your Lord’s expression are summarized in two words, Truth and Justice!

Prophet Mohammad also spoke about justice when he said one hour of working on justice for humanity is more rewarding than 70 years of worshiping God.

He said an empire may survive with atheism but not with injustice!

Imam Elahi concluded that justice was not just main dream of MLK but the main dream of Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (pbut)

Since through justice a society can enjoy freedom, peace, prosperity, happiness, unity and establish the beloved community that Dr King was referring to!

IHW Office
A Man of Faith, Dignity, Sincerity and Service Meeting His Lord! Honorable Hajj Hussein Hamood!

A Man of Faith, Dignity, Sincerity and Service Meeting His Lord! Honorable Hajj Hussein Hamood!

Shared by Imam Elahi - "I witnessed the last hour of his life in this world before departing to meet the Divine. He opened his sharp and delightful eyes to me and everyone present in his room at the Beaumont hospital last night during our words of prayer and grace, and said goodbye to us and to his beautiful, faithful, and loving family!

God Bless your soul ya hajj Hussein. You lived with dignity and died with dignity.

انا لله و انا اليه راجعون

HAJJ HUSSEIN ALLY HAMOOD - Beloved son of the Late Hajj Ally Bu Naim Hamood and the Late Hajjah Teffaha Fawaz Hamood. Beloved Husband to the Late Hajjah Zahra Fawaz Hamood. Beloved Father of the Late Ally, Mohamed, Richard, Norman, Teffaha, Fatima, Sally, Mona, and Suzanne. Beloved Brother of the Late Hajj Mohamed Ali, Hassan, the Late Fatima and Hajjah Jamiela.

IHW Office
Congratulations to the Fradi and Makled Families!

Congratulations to the Fradi and Makled families!

In an atmosphere full of faith and friendship, imam Elahi performed a marriage covenant between Diana Fradi and Hassan Makled.

The imam reminded the groom and the bride to always remember the commitment comes out of “I Do” declaration. Marriage is a journey of joy, generosity, love, respect and sometimes sacrifice for the sake of strengthening this blessed union.

Imam Elahi also addressed the youth in audience, encouraged them to take the search for finding a right spouse very seriously and prepare themselves for forming a faithful and fulfilling family. 

Islamic House of Wisdom has established a marriage foundation to help the singles in that direction.

Congratulations to Diana and Hassan. We wish them a happy and healthy marriage relationship.

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