April 5, 2016
An Interfaith Visitation Turned to An Important Peace Conference!
The religious leader of Southeastern Michigan of 1.3 million Catholics visited the Islamic House of Wisdom.
The church delegation and almost 100 interfaith and community leaders and activists were welcomed by Imam Elahi and the chairman of IHW board of Directors, Dr. Hassan Saab.
Archbishop Allen Vigneron, the spiritual leader of Christian Catholic community of Southeastern Michigan thanked imam Elahi for this unity lunch and his courageous outreach against extremism and terrorism.
The Archbishop expressed his happiness of these good relations and emphasized on how the power of faith can strengthen our cooperation in making peace and justice.
Rabbi Dorit Edut spoke about working together to end hatred in this world, especially Islamophobia by following the example of Pope Francis.
Dr. Robert Bruttell the chairman of Interfaith Leadership Council spoke about the Council outreach to the media and the beauty of cooperation in this area. He concluded that Southeastern Michigan excellent interaction can be an example for the world.
Other speakers included Daniel Paletko-the Mayor of Dearborn Heights, Dan Haddad- the Chief police of Dearborn, Hajja Nawal Hamadah- the founder of Star International Academy, Dr. Tallal Turfe- the author of many books on Islam, Hajja Rehab Amer, Dr. Michael Ross, Brian A. Stone, and many more.
Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi who hosted the Unity Lunch and communication addressed the guests and gave them an orientation on the position of main stream Islam over the religious and political extremism, the disease of Islamophobia, the crimes of isis, Al-Qaeda and other terror groups against Islam, Muslims, Christians and many other people in the Middle East and the World.
Imam Elahi admired the Archbishop’s leadership and also his appreciation for the global leadership of Pope Francis. He said he was extremely impressed with the Pope conversation with president Obama in the White House and president Rouhani in Vatican. The Pope's passion and humility in washing the feet of Muslim refugees added to his admiration for the Pope's personality.
Imam Elahi spoke about the faith in Jesus not only in the Quran and sayings of prophet Mohammad but also the Islamic mystical literatures, metaphor and analogy, specially the Persian poetry of Hafez, Rumy, and the Arabic poetry of Ibn Fares.
Imam Elahi explained the miraculous birth of Jesus based on the Quranic verses. In particular the imam talked about the terms like “Word of God” and “Spirit of God” used for Jesus in the Quran.
Imam stated that Mary, the mother of Jesus is the only female admired by her name in the Quran, not once but 34 times, much more even than the Bible itself.
By pointing to some Quranic verses related to miraculous of Jesus including cases of giving vision to the blind, healing to the sick, life to the dead, imam condemned those Christians who claim Jesus but prefer a life of blindness, hatred, harassment, warmongering, anger and arrogance.
Imam emphasized that the best way to make peace is to join dialogue, engagement and cooperation.
We must stand united against not only the evil of terrorism, but other social and global problems that may also contribute to the cancer of terrorism and violence such as ignorance, injustice, racism, poverty, prejudice, defending the dictators, intolerance and exclusion.
Imam Elahi mentioned a letter of death threat that he received from the KKK and said since we don’t have a Muslim shrine in America he is more than glad to get that honor and be remembered as martyr for justice, education and compassion.
Each and every participant showed joy and appreciation for the opportunity and thanked Islamic House of Wisdom for this initiative.