
7/17/2020: his weeks theme: الخطبة العربية حول صلة الارحام !

ان البر والصلة يطيلان الاعمار و يعمران الديار و يكثران الاموال!
Responsible relationships between parents and children!
How to guide the youth in their identity turmoils at the tense time of both pandemic and the country’s cultural war?
Children’s gratitude for their parents through a demonstration of love, respect, and support will guarantee an eternal sense of satisfaction, tranquility, happiness, and peace in their lives!
Throughout the last couple of months, the Islamic House of Wisdom has not only remained safely open, but our activities and outreach services have also multiplied!
Calling for all who are able to Support IHW's Programs, Many great Services to come- stay tuned!

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