4/20/18: Christian Missionaries long Dialogue with Imam Elahi

Christian Missionaries Long Dialogue with Imam Elahi!

The question of crucifixion, Trinity, Foundation of Faith, Conversion to Islamic Faith, The beauty of bridge building and sincere outreaches were among the subjects!

Interfaith is and has been a high priority project of IHW since its establishment in 1995. IHW is known for welcoming the followers of other faith traditions and specially the members of Abrahamic family.

In a long conversation, question and answer with Imam Elahi, a group of Christian missionary girls shared with the imam their recent world trip experience and asked his Islamic perspectives on some of the most fundamental elements of Christian belief system including crucifixion and trinity.
The atmosphere of dialogue was better understanding of each other true traditions without any prejudice and confusion. Obviously there were much more similarities than differences. We always celebrate our similarities and appreciate our differences.
Defiantly Islam and Christianity are not identical but no other religion in the world shows as much as faith, respect and love for Jesus, Mary and their true teachings, as does Islam, the prophet and his family.
The missionaries were deeply impressed with their experience at IHW and left with a better understanding and sincere appreciation and sense of friendship!

IHW Office