5/11/18: Michigan Muslim Capital Day in Lansing!

Michigan Muslim Capital Day in Lansing!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018- Thank you MMCC - Michigan Muslim Community Council, Dr. Mozzamel, Dr. Hadidi, Somayeh Ahmad and the entire team for your hard work and great result.

Thank to our Senators and Representatives and in particular Senator David Knezek and Rep. Abdallah Hamoud for hosting us.

In a world where ignorance, fear, racism and prejudice divide people and cause hatred and confrontation, engagement, communication, listening and learning from one another are the key to change the world and contribute to construction of civil societies!

We spent over 3 hours in the Capital, meeting with some members of the Congress, holding a ceremony at the heart of the Capital building, attending a session and also socializing and interacting with the staff and other visitors of the Capital, very educational experience specially for our Muslim students in our journey.

This is an annual event, but it must be a roadmap for our daily life in this part of our planet!


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