Discussion during the Advisory Board of Michigan Coalition for Human Rights meeting, Marygrove Campus January 29/202

Deal of Century or Deal of Self-interests and Self-services!

Deal of Century or Delusion of Distraction from Impeachment in DC and Indictment in Tel Aviv?

Last night discussion was very ethical and fruitful, out of many subjects in the agenda, I like to share two touchy subjects!

1- The water crisis in Detroit!

Since 2014 over 112000 households in Detroit hod water shut offs for not being able to pay their bills out of total destitute and poverty!

Years later thousands of those homes’ water still disconnected.

That means no water for drinking, cooking, showering, bathroom etc!

Shame to observe this poverty and pain, while trillions of dollars go for all those unnecessary wars and military machines!

Investing less than 1 percent of those war budgets can bring big peace and prosperity in Detroit and other suffering cities in America!

2- Another subject was Trump’s Deal of Century to end 70 years of Israeli - Palestinian conflict!

Sounds like a joke than a genuine gesture!

What kind of deal with Palestinians without the presence of the Palestinians?

Trump called it a generous deal that should make Bibi very happy!

WOW,Thank you for ur generosity, for giving from what is not yours, to someone who doesn’t deserve it!

So it is not a plan and it’s not for peace!

A poisonous political propaganda!

An unethical approach to an oppressive occupation with promising no real state, no sovereignty and no real service to those who are suffering under apartheid attitude of Israeli politicians!

The solution and healing for this confect is not coming through hypocrisy and deception but honest and unbiased mediation meant to establish real peace and justice!

That can’t be by Trump, Netanyahu, Ben Salaam and other selfish and greedy politicians but the wise people among the Jewish and Palestinian people who live in the region!

Without real justice, unfortunately no real peace!

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