Solidarity with the victims and their families in France!

Killing of innocent people is a crime against the Creator and the entire humanity!

Though no official report about who exactly viciously attacked those 3 innocent individuals inside and outside of the church in Nice, France, but regardless we condemn this brutality, barbarism and terrorism with the strongest voice!

The criminals must be taken to the court of justice to pay for their crimes!

At the same time the French president’s failure to control the violence and provide healing and unity among his nation must be noticed as big part of this heartbreaking disaster!

Freedom of expression yes, but insulting and disrespecting a sacred symbol of another religion is not freedom of expression!

If Charlie Hebdo is not allowed to use any racist or Antis-emetic expression as freedom of speech! It should apply the same rules about Islamophobia!

To treat the French Muslims different from their fellow citizens is act of discrimination and hypocrisy!

The reality is that the failing politicians in Paris are fueling the fire of violence and Islamophobia for their petty personal profit and their reelection!

This happened in the US in 2016 election!

We cray loudly and clearly that those who commit violence in Islam’s name, have nothing to do with our religion of peace and universal brotherhood!

We disown all those devils, they hurt and harm our religion, more than 99 percent of victims of isis were Muslims, they still killing Muslims in the daily base in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanestan, Libya, Iran and other parts of Muslims world!

Shame on terrorists everywhere and shame on those politicians who set up these satanic scenarios for their political profits!

The spirit of all Divine religions is about love, harmony and unity not hate and fear mongering!

IHW Office