صلة الارحام و الاصدقاء!

As long as the beloved ones still alive, keep your loving eyes on them!

Sometimes they go so fast that the regret of missing even a simple look breaks your heart!

Always we realize it late, too late!

That something is expiring!

Sometime one moment of a sunshine in a cold weather is a big trophy!


Sometimes when you are alone, seeing a friend becomes a dream!

When good friends are gone, all the sudden we remember their beauties!

Just like Fall! it seems more beautiful, when it’s over!

Just like health! It becomes a wish when we get sick!

Just like a smile, it becomes a dream when your heart is broken!

So have a loving look at all who are around you TODAY!

Every moment is a gift, appreciate the moments!

Life is so short and shaky! No one is permanent!

Something to remember and be ready always!

This world is just a waiting room, prepare for the meeting!

This is why this afternoon, after having a very busy day, I decided to visit an old and dear friend hajj Chafic Musa!

I was so happy to see there another beloved friend hajj Ali Faiz!

We had an hour of friendly chatting of the past, present and the future!

Nothing brings you more happiness than good relationships!

So sad that Coronavirus has stopped us from visiting our friends in person! but let’s never forget our family members and our friends! Visit them virtual or in person!

Of course with observing the safety measures! I took off my mask at the photo moment!

IHW Office