Reflection on the Clock and Calendar on the First Day of Spring!

Today March 19th, 11:50 pm the arrival of New Spring, the earliest Spring in America in the last 124 years!

Spring used to begin on March 20 or 21!

It’s called Spring equinox , March equinox or vernal equinox!!

Today signals a new beginning and a fresh life in Northern Hemisphere!

It marks the arrival of fall in South Hemisphere!

This New Resurrection in the Nature and new smile of the Earth with warmer weather is a good opportunity to reflect and remember God’s glory and grace!

While we are struggling to find a cure for Corona, let the Corona cure the crisis in our heads,hearts and hands!

Time to repent and return to the original covenant with our Creator!

If you are still up at 11:50, settle in prayer place in your house and read doua of New Spring!

If you missed it tonight, please read it with me tomorrow 1:30 during my on line live Friday Khotba!

‎یا مُقلّبَ القلوبِ و الأبصار

O changer of hearts and visions

‎یا مُدبِّرَ اللیلِ و النَّهار

Director of day and night

‎یا مُحوِّلَ الحَولِ و الأحوال

O transformer of time and conditions

‎حوِّل حالَنا إلى أحسنِ الحال

Change ours to the best in accordance with your will.

Let’s pray, asking our Lord for assistance for the world medical society, as they are

working hard to find cure for Covid 19

IHW Office