Thank you for speaking up and speaking out!

Thank you Congresswoman Ilhan, Sen. Bernie Sanders and 25 US organizations for urging Trump administration to lift Iran’s sanction at least during this catastrophic Covid-19

They don’t ask the US for money or supply, just lifting this unjust, illegal, insane and cruel sanction!

So called maximum pressure has not achieved anything. Wisdom and dialogue will!!

Mr. Trump says he loves the Iranians!

Let’s test his words with his actions, especially during this Iranian New Year!

So far 1500 dead, 20000 infected!

Stop contributing to this massacre!

Today we have a common enemy, Coronavirus, the entire world needs to fight this enemy together!

Our hearts and prayers for all the suffering people, regardless of their race, religion, nationality or culture!

Following are Ilhan words!

Ilhan Omar

A person dies from coronavirus every 10 minutes in Iran

50 become infected every hour.

Keeping in place economic sanctions on Iran right now is just supervillain-level cruelty.

IHW Office