Meeting of Michigan Task Force on Lebanon ( MTFL) at Islamic House of Wisdom!

Meeting of unity and solidarity with the suffering citizens of Lebanon!

The criminal explosion that brought Beirut to shocking burn and bleeding, was not the end of pain and suffering of this sinking city!!

The waves of violence, the fire of fitnas, the pains of poverty, the unknown future, the devil of devision and the poisonous propaganda to brain wash people, have put the lovers of Lebanon in grief and the enemies of Lebanon in relief!!

We heard a politician who still calls himself a human! called the Beirut explosion a gift of God so his community can enjoy their holiday!!!

While we keep raising our hands of prayers

for the fast recovery of those 6000 people who were wounded, we should try our best to act on the areas of food, shelter, clothes, medicine and school material for the kids!

The representatives of the major Islamic and social institutions of Dearborn area met yesterday at Islamic House of Wisdom to unify the efforts of the centers fundraising’s and also to identify legal NGOs to reach the people really in need!

The group agreed to write a letter of appreciation to the members of the US Congress who stood by Lebanon at the time of need!

The group will also ask the administration to remove the sanction against Lebanon at this tragic time, if it cares for the victims of this crisis and calamity!

Please send your Lebanon’s relief donation to your places of worship and feel free to ask them how your contribution was spent?

You may donate here

May God protect Lebanon from the crimes of its enemies and the chaos and insanity of some of its so called friends

‎سُبحانَکَ اِنِّی کُنتُ مِنَ الظّالِمِین «فَاَستَجَبَنالَهُ وَ نَجَّیناهُ مِنَ الغَمِّ وَ کَذالِکَ نَجزی المُؤمِنِین

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