A great man of knowledge, piety, courage, commitment and contributions left this planet yesterday!

In the name of the Lord of the World:

We belong to God and to Him we will return!

A great man of knowledge, piety, courage, commitment and contributions left this planet yesterday!


Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri was born in the holy city of Najaf in Iraq and later he became a distinguished disciple of Shahid Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Bagher Alsadr!

Ayatollah Taskhiri played a crucial role in establishment of both the International Assembly of Ahlol-bait and International Assembly of Dialogue among different Islamic schools of Thoughts!

He wrote hundreds of books and articles and spoke in thousands of national and global conferences, teaching, leading and enlightening on every aspect of spiritual and social life of the Islamic ummah and intern-religious communities!

Taskhiri was a voice of love, unity, peace, openness and dialogue at the Islamic Republic of Iran!

Over 20 years ago, I invited Ayatollah Taskhiri to address an international interfaith conference in the US, I personally travelled to Dubai to help his visa process, but sadly the American consulate refused to issue him an entry visa and painfully denied the right of Assembly of the World Religions to listen to that voice of wisdom, vision, passion and prayer!

Our deep condolences to Ayatullah Taskhiri’s family and the spiritual leaders, universities, seminaries , the Majmaa of Ahlol bait, Dar-Al-Taghrib and all lovers of peace and unity in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and the entire Muslim world.

The Ayatullah was 76 , passed away yesterday out of heart complications!

May God bless your soul!

Instead of saying goodbye, I would wish to be able to say: see you my dear brother and faithful friend at the residence of the righteous in His Heavenly Kingdom soon enshaallah

‎‫ انا لله وانا اليه راجعـون ‬

‎‫لأحول ولا قوة إلا بالله‬

‫Mohammad Ali Elahi‬

‫Islamic House of Wisdom

IHW Office