Doua Komail, mourning and memorial for martyrs of Tuesday’s terrible tragedy in Beirut!

Beirut is bleeding, the blast felt in Cyprus over 150 miles away!

Some compared it with a huge atomic bomb, an earthquake, an apocalypse, all waiting to determine the true cause of this horrifying hell!

Lebanon already suffering from crises of currency, corona, corruption and threats of its enemies, now slammed to this catastrophic devestation

No word can explain the true nature of this human tragedy!

Almost every world government expressed solidarity and support for Lebanon!

We ask those leaders:

Please stop talking and start sending your help today! Put your money where your mouths are!

You hurt Lebanon with your sanctions and oppressions, now help the victims if you still carry any corpuscle of your conscience!

Certainly Beirut this beautiful bride of Middle East will born again! Let’s send our prayers, contributions and compassion today!

اللهم يا ناصر المستضعفين و يا مغيث المكروبين انصر لبنان و شعبه من شر المفسدين و المعتدين و المحتلین و الارهابيين

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