Fundraising for the Iraqi orphans at Bint Jebail Cultural Center in Dearborn!

It was a great pleasure to share food and fellowship with an old and honorable friend this evening during a successful fundraising for the Iraqi orphans at Bint Jebail Cultural Center in Dearborn!

We all remember how Imam Sayyed Dr. Mostafa Qazwini made deep spiritual impacts in Dearborn community through his inspiring lectures at IHW in years 2000s!

Also it was great pleasure to listen to presentation of Sayyed Ali Qazwini the religious leader of Fresno mosque in CA.

It was a reminder of our friendship of almost 35 years ago, when for a while we were classmates in Tehran Azad University. Sayyed Ali was the smartest and the most advanced student of the class.

Sometimes our professor was short on some subjects and Sayyed Ali used to help him explain it better

IHW Office