Glorious Arbaeen March in Dearborn Michigan!

Under the tremendous hard-work of shaikh Husham Al-Husseini and his team of Karbala center thousands of Dearborn areas community members attended the Arbaeen march, this afternoon 9/18/22

Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi was one of the main speakers of this inspiring assembly!

Imam Elahi thanked the people of Iraq for their generous welcoming of over 21 millions of national and international visitors to the holy city of Karbala during the last couple of weeks.

Imam Elahi called the Arbaeen not just a great global crowd but a great covenant with the cause of Karbala, which was a universal call for awareness, enlightenment, mobilization and organization for the sake of truth, justice and freedom.

Imam Elahi stated that The call of Imam Hussein(SA) for freedom was not only social and political freedom but more importantly the spiritual freedom! Freedom from greed, selfishness, anger, arrogance and temptations!

The imam spoke about the purpose of Imam Hussein(SA)’s revolution and quoted a passage from Arbaeen prayer clarifying that the Imam gave his blood and reached the peak of sacrifice in order to eliminate the evil of ignorance and darkness of confusion.

At the end the imam mentioned story of Jabir Ben Abdullah, the only visitor of Imam Hussein’s grave on the first Arbaeen.

Jaber, despite of his physical blindness walked for 1400 kilometers, from Medina to Karbala to express his passion, pain and sadness on the brutal and barbarian massacre of Imam Hussein and 72 members of his family and followers!

May God bless the blood of those heavenly martyrs of Karbala and accept this sincere love and passion from their friends and followers! Ameen!

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