Imam Elahi’s words of prayer during Michigan Governor Whitmer's historic inauguration on 1/1/23 at the Capital in Lansing.

We appreciate the words of kindness from many participants of the ceremony, many community members, and also those who asked us to share the entire text of the prayer in writing!

‎ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In Your name O Gracious God, The Guardian of this Glorious Universe.

All praise and gratitude go to You, O Lord of life, liberty, and justice.

Thank You, Lord, for rewarding our honorable Governor Gretchen Whitmer with four more years of leadership. Please strengthen her heart to continue her journey with the same determination, courage, humility, sacrifice, and integrity.

Thank You, O Compassionate Creator, for the beauties of our blessed State, its magnificent land, lakes, farms, and forests, and more importantly, its hard-working and patriotic people.

Please protect the people of our State from the evils of the pandemic, poverty, prejudice, hatred, intolerance and extremism, antisemitism, and Islamophobia.

Lead us O Lord, to love and appreciate the diversity of our neighbors, our fellow citizens, and every member of our human family on this Earth.

Help us O Lord to defend our dignity and democracy and work for peace, justice, and equality, the dream of Dr. King, who called for beloved community and considered injustice anywhere as a threat to justice everywhere.

Let dialogue, diplomacy and respect direct our disagreements and help us rise above our differences to work together to serve a wonderful vision for our state, our country, and our humanity.

O Lord, let us be the passengers of Your perfect path, the path of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad (pbut).

My heartfelt Congratulations to Governor Whitmer, Lieutenant Governor Gilchrist, and all the public officials who took the oath of office today.

Salaam, peace, and love. As Imam Ali (SA) said, we all are brothers and sisters either in faith or humanity.

Good morning Michigan and Happy New Year, Michiganders!

Video Here:

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