10/09/14: Eid of Ghadir: Eid of Unity and Brotherhood, Anniversary of Divine Governance, Celebration of Truth & justice!

  • Join us for Friday prayer at 1:30pm... In honor of Eid al-Ghadir, there will be a lunch held for all participants following the prayer!
  • This Sunday at 11:00am- Join us for our first Sunday Breakfast & Service of the season with an Eid al-Ghadir Celebration!

Forum on Faith and War: A Response to the Crisis of ISIS 

Last Tuesday, October 7, 2014 the Forfa Auditorium at Henry Ford College in Dearborn witnessed a beautiful gathering of professors and students who listened to a panel discussion on local and global responses to ISIS crisis.

The panelists included: Professor Hashim AL-Tawil, who presented an overview of the background and current situation in Syria, Iraq with photos on brutalities of ISIS. Professor Ahmed Saleh spoke about ISIS and Islamophobia, Rev. Fran Hayes, the pastor Littlefield church spoke about extremism and injustice and possibility of peace in the Middle East.

Imam Elahi, the spiritual leader of IHW spoke about the Takfiri ideology, and methodology of ISIS and other terrorist organizations like Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Boko haram, Al-Nusra, in imposing their Jahiliyya mentality over other people through intimidation, harassment, beheading  and other methods of physical and psychological terrorism.

The imam mentioned that the first victims of ISIS are Islam and Muslims. They are the worst enemies of Islam, since they use religion to destroy religion. Imam Elahi admired the recent letter signed by 126 Sunni scholars against ISIS and called for cooperation among all the Muslims and even non-Muslim to stop the advancement of this dangerous cancer which is threatening the world peace and security. Imam Elahi thanked the college president and also Dr. William Secrest, Dr Ali Awadi and other organizers from HFC for such a timely arrangement!

University Students Visit the Islamic House of Wisdom

Yesterday, October 8, 2014: More than 30 students from various US universities stopped by in Michigan today to visit a mosque, a church and a synagogue. We welcomed them at the IHW. Two hours of friendly and heartfelt conversation. Questions and answers from Islam and Christianity, the Bible and the Quran, the role of the mosque in this country, the position of Islam towards violence and terrorism, the cancer of ISIS and other Takfiri and terrorist groups, the rights of non-Muslims in Muslim countries, the evil of Islamophobia, the question of hijab and modesty, youth challenges, Islam's approach to women's rights and tens of other questions. There was an endless thirst and desire in the students to continue the conversation. We said goodbye to the satisfied souls. It was a great pleasure to experience their eagerness to continue the vision of bridge building and strengthening the covenant of human dignity through calling for peace and justice in the world.
Shortly after they left, we received a text message from Dr. Diane- the coordinator of the visit saying in part " Imam Elahi: Thank you for the excellent program today. the students were thrilled and i am very pleased!"
 Wishing Diane and her wonderful students a pleasant and safe trip. May God be with them, where ever they are!

October 4, 2014: Eid al-Adha English Sermon by Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi

Eid al-Adha Celebrated at the Islamic House of Wisdom!

Congregants of the IHW began the morning with dua followed by the Eid prayer. Children and some students of the Arabic-Islamic School performed a hajj reenactment and orientation in the auditorium under the guidance of teachers from the Arabic school.

See More Photo Highlights: HERE

A beautiful scene of forming a new family-Imam Elahi is performing a marriage between Payam Darbandi and Farnaz Amiri. Imam prayed for the new couple to enjoy a life full tranquility, compassion, communication and contribution to the community, country and the world. Congratulations !

IHW Admin