Dear Community Members and IHW Supporters!

Salaam Alaikum!

Islamic House of Wisdom has been a torchbearer of truth for almost three Decades!

Dedication, Outreach, Interfaith & Community Work, while serving the youth from the center of our mind, mission, and action!

The Day to enjoy a dinner together and show support for this blessed faith foundation will be Friday, November 1, 2024 at 6:30pm!

Seating is limited- please confirm your seats or tables no later than October 25th.  Ticket donation is only $100 or a full table for your family, is $1000.

To reserve your table or tickets- Please call the office at (313) 359-1221 or email us at

Your contribution directly supports the growing calls from families immediately in need while supplementing the educational services, programs, and outreach.  

 To build upon and add to the services, outreach, and care of those in need, we encourage all to pledge your support by being part of the upcoming Fundraising Dinner.  

To make a tax-deductible donation online: click HERE

In advance, we would like to take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude for your continuous support of the Islamic House of Wisdom! 

IHW has been a community platform for education, and youth programs, promoting family values, assisting the needy, and standing with people at times of joy and struggle. As a faith foundation, IHW has been an open and friendly place of hope and healing, helping people with many personal, family, spiritual, and social challenges.

When it comes to outreach, IHW has been a leading Islamic institute in intra and interfaith. It's been working for unity, peaceful co-existence, cooperation, justice, and freedom for all.
We first thank our Lord for His constant guidance, grace, and blessings. We also thank our founding members, trustees, monthly members, volunteers, public officials, interfaith communities, and all of our friends, who have supported IHW with money, time, and ideas.

God willing, IHW will continue its journey of unity, service, and education for many generations. Your continuous support for this house of wisdom, house of love, house of peace, and house of justice is greatly appreciated.

Those of you who may not be able to attend our upcoming dinner can still assist IHW by sending your donation to this occasion or becoming a monthly member of this humble organization.

Ways to Show Your Support! 

  • Tax-Deductible Donation in any way you are able- Mail to the IHW: 22575 Ann Arbor Trail, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 - Donate Online HERE or Drop off Directly at the IHW!

  • Support IHW's projects by helping with your Khum's Donation

  • Put your family name or honor the memory of your loved ones on the Legacy Tree located at the entrance of Masjid-al-Noor at IHW!

  • Submit a membership form to contribute a monthly donation to IHW.

  • For More Info. or to learn about more opportunities to contribute: Please email us at

“And whatever you spend in charity or devotion, be sure Allah knows it all...
— Al-Quran: 2-270