It was a great and rewarding day!

We some members of Michigan Imams Council visited our old friend imam Abdallah El-Amin this afternoon!

Sadly he is suffering from some health complications.

I know him since I came to Michigan 31 years ago.

He was full of energy, dynamism, outreach, interfaith, a dawa worker, a writer, speaker, established Muslim Center of Detroit, once he ran for mayor of Detroit, he didn’t mind to work in a funeral home and even wash the bodies.

I couldn’t control my tears to think not only about imam Abdullah but also this Donya and it’s tests and struggles!

This may happen to any of us, as we go through age and death at the end!

Let’s pray for his shefaa , fast recovery and healing!

Thank you sister Zarina for ur hospitality and also helping and taking care of ur dad

IHW Office