The Universal Vision of Imam Mosa Sadr Honored at IHW

Sayyeda Dr. Robab Sadr, Sayyed Hamid Sadr, Sayyed Dr. Raed Charafoddin accompanied with a delegation from Sadr foundation visited IHW.

The guests were welcomed by IHW Girl-scouts in auditorium, then met in IHW conference room!

Imam Elahi welcomed Sayyeda Dr. Robab and her delegation and honored her leadership in continuing the legacy and mission of Imam Mosa Sadr.

Dr. Robab Sadr thanked imam Elahi and IHW members and shared her experiences, struggles and observations in over 4 decades of responsibilities in Sadr Foundation.

During this friendly visitation and meeting, questions and answers focused on Imam Sadr’s work, services and accomplishments in Lebanon and his vision for the Middle East and the world! Alhamolellah

IHW Office